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Decluttering your kitchen bench tops

Updated: May 2, 2019

Flat surfaces are magnets for clutter, and kitchen countertops are no exception. When too many items build up, it not only appears unsightly but can also impact the functionality of your apartment living space. Keep your counters looking great by developing some easy organizational habits and implementing practical storage systems in your kitchen.

Hide Your Storage

Do spice jars, utensils and other cooking items take up valuable space on your countertops? Evaluate your storage space and use every inch available to keep these items out of sight and out of the way. Free up a drawer to store your spices, which will also help them stay fresh longer by keeping them out of the light and heat. Utilize the insides of cupboard doors to mount racks for storage or devise other creative kitchen organization solutions, like those found here.

Consolidate Appliances

Kitchen appliances can take up a lot of space, and many of these items are used infrequently. Assess whether you really need each one. A great strategy is to get just a few machines that do multiple jobs, like this mixer. For those you decide to keep, follow this rule: If you don’t use it every day, put it away. Find some out-of-the way storage space for keeping seasonal items or those that you use only occasionally.

Go Vertical

One of the best strategies to declutter your space is to eliminate the miscellaneous items that tend to pile up on countertops. Mail and other papers, invitations, keys, restaurant menus and more will keep appearing there until you create a home for them. Bulletin boards, vertical hanging wall files and hooks for keys can be mounted on the wall or along the side of your cupboards to give these items a place to belong.

Taken from 'A Part of Life' - Originally published January 8, 2019 by Amy Johnson

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